Thanks Juanito.
I've had a bit more of a look around and it seems that you were right with the "--set=root e94d...." as other sites have this layout. It just looks odd.
Re the gpt2 and msdos5; I thought that it was something that the user set on the partition like a label. I cannot find these partition names anywhere in parted, gparted or gdisk. It would seem that only grub can "see" these names on the partitions. My pure Ubuntu laptop (partitioned and formatted with Ubuntu utils) shows up with msdosx partitions even though it has never had a MS OS on it. The only way to know which partition is which is to do an ls, in grub, on each one.
I was trying to use this nomenclature in grub.cfg for my mmcblk0 drive and assumed that gpt and msdos only applied to /dev/sda..sdx drives. I now see that the mmcblk0p1 and 2 are showing up as gpt1 and gpt2 respectively. Although ls in grub shows only (hd0), (hd0,gpt1) and (hd0,gpt2) I can use (hd0,1) and (hd0,2), respectively, instead for these same partitions.