Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Corepure64
Firefox, Flash and PulseAudio, finally working..
Finally have firefox, flash and pulseaudio working in Corepure64 ;D
Was beginning to think it was never going to happen, but after compiling libflashsupport for x86_64 & pulseaudio everything is working in harmony.
For anyone who wants flash video with audio in a reliable browser on Corepure64 try installing onboot these extensions
firefox.tcz (Latest version 31, already submitted to the repo)
alsa.tcz (already in repo)
pulseaudio5.tcz (already in repo)
pavucontrol.tcz (already in repo)
flash11 (latest version 11.2 with pulseaudio5 support, will submit asap)
configuration required
alsa must be operational on your system, see info file
pulseaudio5 follow instructions in info file (DBus was not starting automatically for me so added " /usr/local/etc/init.d/dbus start " to the .Xd/dbus file)
pavucontrol needs to be configured for your system, use the gui to set options
issues I'm having are
pavucontrol has to be reconfigured on each reboot
pulseaudio doesn't auto start dbus (without above .X.d file mod)
Flash11 occasionally crashes on start up, selecting the video to reload works
Did you try starting dbus in /opt/bootlocal.sh?
Did you add the pa config files to /opt/.filetool.lst and do a backup?
Actually no I hadn't tried that yet, thanks for the idea. I was more concerned why we don't add " /usr/local/etc/init.d/dbus start " to the pulseaudio startup file.. I understand leaving control to the user but..
If we install pulseaudio onboot then we have intention of using it, so why is dbus not auto started at same time..? just saying..
pulse audio and pavucontrol is new to me so am trying to learn it, this system has persistent home and opt so in theory shouldn't need a backup right?
As I understand it, pavucontrol auto detects input. ok I must be doing something wrong here..
Your home and opt may be persistent, but the config files for pulse audio probably reside somewhere else.
You need to back them up.
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