dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > dCore x86 Imported Extensions

[wheezy] pulseaudio is needed by the latest skype, but it doesn't work

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Jason W:
I can load pulseaudio and start it with no errors after starting console-kit-daemon.

Alsamixer shows up one channel of pulseaudio, and speaker-test seems to give normal terminal output, just no sound.  Pavucontrol also gives normal readings.  I will dig deeper.

Jason W:
I booted into my Ubuntu Trusty hard drive install, and could not even get pulseaudio to start (apt-get install pulseaudio; pulseaudio --start).  It complained of missing config files, I even followed their wiki and no luck.  That tells me that on Debian/Ubuntu it is not easy to get pulseaudio running.  I will try some more in the near future as time permits.

isn't pulseaudio enabled by default in ubuntu?

the solution is of course thanks to arslanserc  ;)

--- Code: ---sudo udevadm trigger
--- End code ---

this is because pulse audio package has got files in

--- Code: ---lib/udev/rules.d
--- End code ---
this situation could be automatically checked and solved by the importsce script adding on top the sce.installed file the

--- Code: ---udevadm trigger

--- End code ---


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