Tiny being the operative word here, I am very impressed with TinyCore. Some of the old boxes I have been playing with have developed hardware problems. No doubt because of age and neglect. So, I have been shuffling from one box to the next. Just the same, my Dimension 4300 Dell that I favor for sentimental reasons appears to be in the best shape. It, however, only has 253132 kB ram.
I just booted TinyCore up with ICEwm, added NTFS drivers and Chromium. Launched the browser Chromium, navigated here and tested the system. It is running fine and just off of the CD. I have not yet installed it to the hard drive. That is next.
The reason for this note is that it is all running and I still have 8548 kB free in my ram.
Since, this box is in good shape, I am going to order memory to bring it up to a full gig (the max for this machine).
My hat is off to all of you who have made this project work.