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Yes, the X server writes to the frame buffer on the headless server.  The VNC viewer just mirrors the servers frame buffer on its display.

Another option is to run X on your display machine and connect to the headless server with "ssh -X".
Then you run the X applications on the headless machine, and they display on your display machine.
This does not require VNC, but it does require that the display machine run X.  There are X servers for Windows as well as Linux/Unix.

Remember, the X server is the display.  The X client is the program sending its output to the X server.
This terminology is somewhat backwards from what you might think.

Right Gerald.

The reason i ask is that there are some spare Router boxes here with
300mhz dual core cpu and 64 meg ram and 2 meg SSD and a USB slot.

There is a version of a particular Distro which i am sure you know about
as the industry standard embedded distro. There is a version specific to the chip
inside these routers and it is the correct firmare.

I intend to flash the chip with this embedded distro firmware so the router then runs
Linux for me.

The reason for this is to just get usage out of the project i want
to do is a WI FI internet radio. This is real easy and uses the USB port on the
router for a USB soundcard. It makes a lovely WI FI internet radio system. (see below)

The embedded Linux in question does not have many GUI apps in the repo
but there are 3.5k of apps in there....mainly command line apps ....but there
are things like music deamon clients.....web browsers like
"elinks" and many many more terminal apps "sceen" for example.

The cpu is a MIPS archicteture and i have already found many other apps compiled for
this Linux distro under MIPS , included "mplayer" and "Links" browser and many

I realize i can compile ANY gui app for this Distro but i never tried it....such as
say "Abiword" or "Leadpad".

But as far as i see it, with your desctiption about VNC then i should "see" movie
playback on my client machine coming from the work done by Mplayer on
the router machine's CPU.  since "mplayer" will be run in framebuffer and
also "Links" browser.

To me, that's reason enough to stop cobwebs on a router and actually use it.
There are infact 4 routers here that have the Distro available for thier chip
and they have good specs with a USB port.

The routers are "Bt home hub 3" and "Orange Livebox 92be" and a Huwai router
and also a "Brightbox".

i listen to a lot of internet radio and using a router means no power wasted
driving a



VNC require that you run X on the remote system.
ssh -X with a local X server allows you to display the remote GUI app locally.

Those MIPS routers really are memory and CPU deficient.
I would not try running X apps on them.
Even my ASUS running Tomato has trouble running  slimserver with reasonable response time.


so how come the NanoNote is able to run stuff compitently then?

it's half the cpu power and half the ram. Running the same distro.

It can run mplayer...HD movies....and a whole lot more.

There are youtube videos showing this.  It's only difference is it has a Video



Here is NanoNote emulated in Qemu.

It's a 336mhz single core MIPS CPU and 32 megs of ram running OpenWRT.
(That's half the power of my router here.)

As you see here the machine runs everything including HD movies off mplayer.  (the machine playing doom etc....) (emulated apps shown) (the machine)

You can emulate it yourself since the NanoNote website has the OpenWRT  iso with apps for download.


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