Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Corepure64

curses.h ncurses.h no suitable curses library found

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yesterday it took for me about 6 hours to find out that there must be a problem inside the n-curses Extensions from the repo, cause everytime i tried to do a ./configure for XEN , the configure was not able to find curses.h or ncurses.h , i am sorry at the moment i dont have any logs left, i compiled ncurses-5.9 from the sources for my self again as Extension and now the ./configure is able to find the missing curses.h and ncurses.h , i posted into the IRC channel about it .

just let you all to know about it.

if i got some time again i will try to reproduce the problem and posting some logs.

best regards

Depending on what you're trying to compile there could be a couple of different problems:

* the configure script insists in look in /usr/include for the headers instead of /usr/local/include
* the configure script looks in /usr/local/include, but not in /usr/local/include/ncurses (x86_64)

..both of these problems can be fixed with a symlink and a bug report to xen


--- Quote from: halma on July 16, 2014, 09:22:55 AM ---Hi,

yesterday it took for me about 6 hours to find out that there must be a problem inside the n-curses Extensions from the repo, cause everytime i tried to do a ./configure for XEN , the configure was not able to find curses.h or ncurses.h , i am sorry at the moment i dont have any logs left, i compiled ncurses-5.9 from the sources for my self again as Extension and now the ./configure is able to find the missing curses.h and ncurses.h , i posted into the IRC channel about it .

just let you all to know about it.

--- End quote ---

You didn't share the difference between your version and the one in the repo.


i also tried the to make symlink's to /usr/include but this did not helped and also tried
export CURSES_CFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include/ncurses"
"export CURSES_LIBS=-L/usr/local/lib"

and also ./configure --includedir=/usr/local/include/ncurses

but the result allways was :
checking ncurses.h presence... no
checking curses.h presence... no

just from memory i wrote this

--- Quote ---
You didn't share the difference between your version and the one in the repo.


--- End quote ---

oh sorry i will share all my stuff if i have XEN successfull working cause i dont wont donate some trash , the Extension i build at the moment are not TinyCore Standard, i mean not optimized in size and remove unused stuff.

thank you all for your great help and work
best regards

Sounds like the -dev extension was not loaded?


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