Tiny Core Base > CorePlus

How to burn ezremasters remastered ISO back to disk

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Well, Core's filesystem is in RAM, so if you rebooted, it is gone.
Run it again, and save it somewhere permanent or burn it immediately.


--- Quote from: gerald_clark on July 14, 2014, 01:37:40 PM ---Well, Core's filesystem is in RAM, so if you rebooted, it is gone.
Run it again, and save it somewhere permanent or burn it immediately.

--- End quote ---
Thank you very much for the response . Ok what I did is I loaded Firefox from the apps program , Then I used ezremaster and loaded it and selected "use mount CD" then I saved it in /mnt/sr0 , converted it to a ISO and then tried to burn  it but there is nothing in/ Mnt/sr0 or any where in the files

./mnt/sr0 is your CD drive.  You can't write to it.
If the CD is not mounted and you write to /mnt/sr0, again you are writing to non persistent RAM based filesystem.


--- Quote from: gerald_clark on July 14, 2014, 08:55:34 PM ---./mnt/sr0 is your CD drive.  You can't write to it.
If the CD is not mounted and you write to /mnt/sr0, again you are writing to non persistent RAM based filesystem.

--- End quote ---
Two things, I dont know if in ezremaster do I use mnt cd or use iso image. and then I can't find a path to either the mnt cd or iso image. What can I use for a path.  Well that doesn't seem to be the last of the problems either , I can't get flburn to find my optical drive and brasero ounce downloaded, won't open. I really like the cxhallenge and like the idea of a program with just the apps I need.

You seem to have little understanding of what Core is and how it works.
Please spend some time reading the corebook http://tinycorelinux.net/book.html
the core concepts on the web page header, and the wiki articles.


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