Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Corepure64

ncursesw.tcz missing


ncursesw.tcz is a dependent of gettext.tcz and any extension which depend on gettext (like intltool.tcz, etc etc), however it is missing from x8_64 repo.

I copied ncursesw.tcz from the 4.x x86_64 repo and it appears to be functioning without causing any issue, but do not know enough about this extension to test it. Otherwise I would say it could be copied over to 5.x x86_64 repo


There is no gettext.tcz.dep file in the repo or my local copy and, as far as I can tell, this version of gettext was not compiled with a dep on ncurses{,w}

I've edited the tree file to remove ncursesw, could you edit your local gettext/gettext-dev dep files and check things work without ncursesw?

Sure, thanks

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Maybe I originally grabbed gettext from the 4.x corepure repo??

Perhaps I should update the dep's  as the md5 sums match those from the 5.x repo

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