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Webkit notes

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recompiled webkitfltk with -DNDEBUG and the fifth extension size dropped from 13.7mb to 8.5mb  :)

..could be dropped a little more by symlinking the icons?

I have to try this :)


--- Quote from: Juanito on November 19, 2014, 12:57:21 AM ---One thing I forgot to mention is that I couldn't resize the fifth window from the corner, only from the bottom or side.

--- End quote ---

Probably not something in the app, as in JWM I can resize from corners too.

--- Quote from: Juanito on November 19, 2014, 09:30:51 AM ---..could be dropped a little more by symlinking the icons?

--- End quote ---

Squashfs detects identical files, so a symlink wouldn't save anything.

fifth posted in tc-6.x x86 repo

Used only for a short time, but looks ok. Just one question. What is about flash support?


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