Is there a standard convention on how to create installer extensions similar to firefox-latest? I am using a similar approach for a plan9port extension. The final extension weights more than 100MB, but can be compiled without more dependencies than compiletc (and squashfs-tools to create the .tcz). I would like to know if there are any guidelines I should follow.
In fact, I have not even been able to find which is the common procedure for extensions creation. I have read the guidelines, the wiki page, and have found tcztools and other similar tools, but as far as I see there is not some kind of repository where I can get "source packages" of extensions. I am guessing all the packages in the repos (or at least most of them) are not recreated by hand in an ad-hoc basis each time they are updated. How is this normally managed?
There are many solutions for this, like FreeBSD ports or Archlinux PKGBUILD files, or even plain Makefiles or a dedicated tool like tcztools. I am a newcomer to this community and I don't intend in any way to tell you how to solve this problem, I am just trying to find out if there is an established way before taking my own. Once I have a clear picture, I will be glad of updating the wiki.
Thank you!