dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > dCore X86
Debian Jessie dCore
thank you for your reply :)
Jason W:
Grep and sed are not dealing with deleting parentheses and their contents which are often found in extra repos. Sed works as it should for this function on the command line but for some reason snippets are getting through and are being listed as package names and stopping the dependency gathering routine in mid stream.
But using sed to parse the needed info from the main debinx packages file into it's own file is fast and 100% accurate so far, and then using the awk command on that file is also fast and 100% accurate. I hope to finish testing tonight and will post the results soon.
Jason W:
Updated, please test.
Import and load the "sed" package for better performance during import.
hi jason,
the last cut produces still a broken package for me :(
twice i ended up to the same result: around 7mb are missing...
tc@box:~/.TCE/sce/update$ ls -la 000-base-jessie.sce
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 90062848 Nov 27 14:56 000-base-jessie.sce
tc@box:~/.TCE/sce$ ls -la 000-base-jessie.sce
-rw-rw-r-- 1 tc staff 97030144 Nov 23 21:45 000-base-jessie.sce
one thing is interesting:
my 000-base-jessie worked fine in the last cuts, i had only problems with my 100-desktop-jessie-package.
thank you for all your efforts.
Jason W:
Is you 000-base-jessie list the same as before?
I am getting this size when I import that list now.
me@box:/mnt/sda3/tceimport-jessie/sce$ ls -l 000-base-jessie.sce
-rw-rw-r-- 1 peter staff 50831360 Nov 27 18:50 000-base-jessie.sce
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