dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > dCore X86

Debian Jessie dCore

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hi jason,

for me waitusb with label is still unstable, but i have no problem to change my bootcode to waitusb=5 without label.
wheezy  and all other cuts work fine with waitusb=5:LABEL=tc.

never mind, thank you for your help and commitment.

Jason W:
What is the md5sum of your dCore-jessie.gz?

Just to be sure.

And do you see the "Waiting as requested.." line when booting dCore-jessie at all?

And what is the output of the below command once dCore-jessie has booted:

blkid -it LABEL=tc


--- Quote from: Jason W on September 18, 2014, 05:09:19 AM ---What is the md5sum of your dCore-jessie.gz?

--- End quote ---
i renamed dCore-jessie.gz to dCore.gz:
tc@box:~/.MNT/sdb1/live/dcore-testing/boot$ md5sum dCore.gz
1b2e5d9ba7ff976652f48698a3a44664  dCore.gz
that md5sum should be correct.

--- Quote ---blkid -it LABEL=tc

--- End quote ---
tc@box:~/.MNT/sdb1/live/dcore-testing/boot$ blkid -it LABEL=tc
The low-level probing mode requires a device

tc@box:~$ blkid -s LABEL /dev/sdb2
/dev/sdb2: LABEL="tc"

tc@box:~$ sudo lsblk -o name,label,mountpoint /dev/sdb
|-sdb1 MYSTICK /mnt/sdb1
`-sdb2 tc      /mnt/sdb2

i attached the photos of my two boot-versions,
first with label the failed boot process :(
second without label and a successful boot process :)

Jason W:
The command is "blkid -lt LABEL=TC", I made a typo.

Oh, and I assume you have renamed vmlinuz-jessie to vmlinuz?

One thing that may help is to start with only the tce directory being specified on the boot line, and if that works start adding each one back one at a time and see at what point it fails.


--- Quote from: Jason W on September 18, 2014, 12:12:39 PM ---The command is "blkid -lt LABEL=TC", I made a typo.

--- End quote ---
tc@box:~$ blkid -lt LABEL=TC
tc@box:~$ sudo blkid -lt LABEL=TC

there is no echo or result to this command.

--- Quote ---Oh, and I assume you have renamed vmlinuz-jessie to vmlinuz?

--- End quote ---
yes, you're right.

--- Quote ---One thing that may help is to start with only the tce directory being specified on the boot line, and if that works start adding each one back one at a time and see at what point it fails.

--- End quote ---

my whole bootcode works fine, only waitusb with label-mode waitusb=5:LABEL=tc makes problems:

kernel /live/dcore-testing/boot/vmlinuz waitusb=5 protect restore=LABEL=tc tce=LABEL=tc/tce lst=sceboottest.lst vga=795 psmouse.proto=imps settime tz=CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3 laptop kmap=de multivt lang=de_DE.UTF-8 mydata=dcoret blacklist=snd_usb_audio intel_rng.no_fwh_detect=-1 printk.time=1 cron desktop=fluxbox log=3 acpi_sleep=s3_bios,s3_mode showapps
append initrd=/live/dcore-testing/boot/dCore.gz


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