dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > Allwinner A10

setting up the MK802 II

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by the way: I think i have created this thread in the wrong place - it should have been on allwinner a10 section, if any admin would like he can put it there. thanks

Hi fangis:
Today I tried to create an A10 dCore using the $ sudo ./mkSDcard sdc command.  The README file says: sdd but should this be rather /dev/sdc  or so?
The script worked ok at the beginning  and let me select my cubieboard1 A10. But at the end I got the following error:
Formatting /dev/
mkfs.vfat 3.0.3 (18 May 2009)
mkfs.vfat: /dev/sdc1 contains a mounted file system.
hdparm: BLKRRPART: Device or resource busy
mount: applet not found
Mount failed! - Abort
Do I need to mount or unmount the sd card?
Before starting,  my CorePlus had trouble to recognize the sd card in the adaptor.

How did you create the microSD?

Hello beerstein

I am no expert, anyway if i remember correctly -

before any of these copies do a fdisk -l
this command will show which drive is actually the one you want to make the sdcard, or else
you may end up copying over something else and losing data everywhere.
I believe it was mksdcard sdx where x is corresponding drive letter, i dont remember if i had to use full path /dev/sdx
Anyway it seems you used a mounted file system and this is why got errors, I think it has to be unmounted for it to succeed, do
sudo umount /dev/sdx or sdx1 or whatever is mounted at the moment - to see what is mounted type mount

take care

p.s a bit off topic - I managed to boot linux on my a13 tablet! I am happy. Although not TC...

Hi angis:
I was able to produce a bootable uSD card for the CB1. Half using the script, half using the commands from the script within the terminal cli. It booted and had a network connection. But when I tried to set the tce-setdrive the system offered me nanda, nandd, nandc,nande and nandi partitions to put tce on. Wow! I expected a mmblk0px on the sd card. These nand partitions are on the internal NAND memory of Cubiboard1.  So I selected nandi and that was a booboo.
I was able to install the X debian/sce extensions but could not start the flwm windows manger. I also was not able to start the installed mc (midnight commander.
I think the CB1 could not find the extensions. Now my CB1 also does not boot to Android on NAND any more nor from sd cards. It is a brick. I will try to revive it with a Phoenixsuit NAND install
Have you been able to install a WM on your dCore A10 CB1 ?
best regards

hi there

Mine is mk802 not cb, but I believe its the same since its a10.
I did not install to nand since i was afraid to brick android image which is installed there. so i did not have this kind of problem.
anyway i think before reinstall you could try to set command line parameter tce=nandx (or where you instaled extensions) in file uEnv.txt and then it can probably detect your extensions installed

hope this helps
for X i installed Xprogs flwm_topside wbar xorg-fbdev and fluxbox. I am not sure this is the most optimal but that worked for me

good luck


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