Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Tips & Tricks
Add your own buttons to wbar
If you insist on not using supported methods, then don't post them, as it only adds to the complexity of support the system. It becomes a scatter mode of which we are trying to avoid.
--- Quote from: roberts on May 29, 2009, 11:03:52 AM ---If you insist on not using supported methods, then don't post them, as it only adds to the complexity of support the system. It becomes a scatter mode of which we are trying to avoid.
--- End quote ---
OK, I get your point. So then let me make sure I understand the correct method. The correct method would be to create a tce/tcz that contains the script (even if it is just one line), the tce.wbar entries file and the default icon.
edit: Actuallly, now that I have thought about it for awhile I am already loading a custom tce that has other files in it so it is not a big deal to add the tce.wbar entries file and icon to it. The script is already in my sdc1 storage area and is called from the tce.wbar entry so it doesn't need to be in the tce.
edit2: See post http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php?topic=1729.0 for the rest of the information required to add wbar buttons.
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