Tiny Core Base > piCore Test Releases
Team Tiny Core is pleased to announce the availability of piCore-5.3rc4:
* kernel updated to 3.14.4
* Raspberry Pi firmware updated to May 12, 2014 version
* official BusyBox patches applied
* curaga's wget3 BusyBox patch applied, setting default timeout to 10s
* tce-load: Don't show an error when extension contains multiple modules
* tce-load: Use sudo when unmounting meta-extensions
* patched to enable HDMI sound at 192 kbit/s rate (thanks sbp)
* patched rtl8192cu driver to disable powersaving
* filetool.sh "Done" message cosmetics
Please note, alsa-modules-3.14.4-piCore+.tcz has no startup script to avoid conflicts with DACS, necessary modules must be loaded by user, including on-chip sound device.
Images with preinstalled SSH for headless operation and with GUI also available.
Updating previous versions on Raspberry Pi without removing SD card:
Download piCore-5.3rc4-boot.tar.gz extract to a temporaray folder and overwrite content of /mnt/mmcblk0p1 after mounting it. It will overwrite custom boot options. If you have customied cmdline.txt on config.txt in the old system, do it again. Do not reboot if using wireless remote connection, otherwise you will loose connection due to incompatible kernel modules!
Next download kernel module tcz's from the repo matching new kernel version and reboot. You must have a new, updated system working.
Please note, there may be kernel module extensions which are not yet available in the repo.
Before modifying mmcblk01 content, it is adviced to make backup to a persistent device.
For support visit http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/board,57.0.html
Added QEMU version piCore-5.3rc4-QEMU.zip which includes LINUX and Windows start scripts, QEMU kernel and initrd file customized for QEMU. Original kernel and initrd files do not work.
Tested with QEMU 2.0.0/Linux (TC x86) and 1.5.3/Windows XP. If you see AMBA related modprobe error messages using older QEMU release you can omit it safely.
Hi Béla,
I've done a fresh install with the ssh version. Installed on one Pi with Wifi adapter.
Everything is fine, but I experience one strange thing:
If I execute the reboot command, the Pi starts the reboot, but it doesn't boot.
If I unplug the power and plug the power back in, everything is fine.
I have had this once before, some monthe ago. But I never found the cause of it.
It's not a big problem, everything else is working fine.
do you have any other USB device connected than keyboard and mouse? Is there an USB HUB connected? If so, unplug them and retry. It happened to me in the past with an x86 laptop that a connected USB HD stopped booting. Reboot work fine here on my RPi.
Do you have any network drives mounted. If I have a SMB(CIFS) share mounted, the reboot takes forever.
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