Tiny Core Base > piCore Test Releases


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Hi Bela

The latest version is working really good.
No USB-audio problems and the I2S-audio DACs are also working again



--- Quote ---Kernel rebuilt. For testing please find mmcblk0p1 content at http://tinycorelinux.net/5.x/armv6/release_candidates/piCore-5.3rc2-boot.tar.gz

Just copy its content over rc1 and check. If it is OK, I will create the regular SD card imeges.
--- End quote ---

Hmm...  :) maybe stubid ! ... i can't figure out howto copy this over.

The permissions/readonly is "fighting" me back

// Jesper

Hi, please provide details what is read-only. Did you mount /mnt/mmcblk0op1?

And please try rc3 instead of rc2.

Okay then :)

It's the rc3 i have been trying with!

I can't figure out howto copy the content of the extracted folder mmcblk0p1 onto my sdcard with the piCore-5.3rc1 image on.

I downloaded the http://distro.ibiblio.org/tinycorelinux/5.x/armv6/release_candidates/piCore-5.3rc3-boot.tar.gz, extracted it, and then i got the folder mmcblk0p1, which i have to copy over the mmcblk0p1 on my sdcard which is containing the piCore-5.3rc1 image



If you are not a Linux guy :-)
Then the easiest way is to take your sd card into a windows computer and. Then simply copy all the files from your new piCore mmcblk0p1 directory to the the sd-card in your card reader (and thus overwrite your old files in the boot directory).

Then remove the card and put it in your rpi and boot.



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