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Tiny MicorSD-to-USB adapter


I've just ordered one of these:

Given its size, I thought it was the perfect compliment to tinycore.

cool, since i only use usb, i would be interested to know more about sdhc cards (i like them, but never have had use of them):

1. can you boot on them with syslinux?
2. how about swap partition? can you make one, or is it better not to do that (as for usb pendrives)?

off topic in the off topic: in the same way, i am looking for a mini keyboard usable to type with ten fingers; i have looked at the speed link mini media, but don't know if tc support it since it works without cable (usb radio transmission); does someone have a keyboard which is even tinier, and still good usable?

SDHC differs from SD cards in the implementation (ie you need a capable reader), but otherwise it's the same.

1. Yes, you can boot using your favorite bootloader. Syslinux requires a fat32/16 partition.

2. You can, but it's the same as with usb sticks, the flash chip wears out quick if you do

Regarding the keyboard, it *should* work out of the box, but no guarantees. I have used a wireless keyboard with TC before, I think it was a Logitech, and it didn't require drivers in the other OS meaning the wirelessness meant nothing to the keyboard protocol.

DX has some wireless and wired mini keyboards, both usb and ps2 plugs:
Free shipping worldwide

thanks a lot, sdhc looks always interesting to me because of size/portability, i should give it a try. thanks for the url, they have some interesting keyboards, i shall give them a deeper look

Arrived a couple of days ago.  I put TCL on it straight away (128MB MicroSD card).  Works like charm.


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