Tiny Core Base > piCore Test Releases


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Team Tiny Core is pleased to announce the availability of piCore-5.3alpha2:


* kernel updated to 3.14.1
* Raspberry Pi firmware updated to Apri14, 2014 version
* official BusyBox patches applied
* curaga's wget3 BusyBox patch applied, setting default timeout to 10s
* tce-load: Don't show an error when extension contains multiple modules
* tce-load: Use sudo when unmounting meta-extensions

Please note, alsa-modules-3.14.1-piCore+.tcz has no startup script to avoid conflicts with DACS, necessary modules must be loaded by user, including on-chip sound device.

Images with preinstalled SSH for headless operation and with GUI also available.

Updating previous versions on Raspberry Pi without removing SD card:

Download piCore-5.3alpha2-boot.tar.gz extract to a temporaray folder and overwrite content of /mnt/mmcblk0p1 after mounting it. It will overwrite custom boot options. If you have customied cmdline.txt on config.txt in the old system, do it again. Do not reboot if using wireless remote connection, otherwise you will loose connection due to incompatible kernel modules!

Next download kernel module tcz's from the repo matching new kernel version and reboot. You must have a new, updated system working.

Please note, there may be kernel module extensions which are not yet available in the repo.

Before modifying mmcblk01 content, it is adviced to make backup to a persistent device.

For support visit http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/board,57.0.html

No one reported any problem, which is good. Or nobody is using it :(

Never mind, I'm using intensively and works perfect. So 5.3rc1 with 3.14.2 will be released in the next days.

Owh, snap, I missed this one... I've been busy and didn't pay attention. If you still want me to test this version, just say so..


--- Quote from: Gerrelt on May 02, 2014, 03:21:29 PM ---Owh, snap, I missed this one... I've been busy and didn't pay attention. If you still want me to test this version, just say so..

--- End quote ---

No need to test it. Stay tuned for rc1 I will PM you when available :)

Sorry for not reporting, but  I have also been using it without any problems.

However, yesterday there was some major development in the USB driver with a new firmware as well. I therefore build a version with these changes and it really improved USB audio very much, but unfortunately I then ran into some problems with loading the I2S audio modules. It crashes the whole kernel.

I don't know if you have run into similar problems, or you are using a slightly older kernel version?



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