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Author Topic: dCore5 Setup HowTo  (Read 3107 times)

Offline Pats

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dCore5 Setup HowTo
« on: April 02, 2014, 11:01:38 PM »
I tried to setup dCore on my TCL3.5 box in my own way, so hope this might be helpful for some newbees also.
This HowTo assumes, you have already using some version of TCL using grub-0.x.x and you already have a ext2, ext3 partition on your HDD.
My exprimental 2GB HDD is having 500MB swap and one 500MB ext3 and one 1000MB ext3 partitions. In dCore all partitions are knows as sda1, sda2 etc. My TCL35's tce dire is hda1 and dCore's tce will be under hda2.
Net Connection can be thru some USB device like Mobile Phone or Dongle.
My grub entry for dCore is:

title dCore5
root (hd0,0)
kernel /boot/bootd/vmlinuz quite tce=sda2 max_loop=90 swap=scan desktop=flwm_topside norestore
initrd /boot/bootd/dCore.gz

1] Download latest dCore-x.x.x.iso from Tinycorelinux.net - Download - Other- dCore - x86 section. Extract boot dire using ISOmaster.tcz or other way.
Rename this extracted boot dire like bootd , and put bootd dire under your original boot dire of TCL35 [see grub entry].

2] Reboot to TCL35 [ and not to dCore ]. A new tce dire will be created with some sub-dire like:
 import, ondemand, sce and a file sceboot.lst.

3] Then copy follow files from TCL35 tce dire to dCore's \hda1\tce\sce dire:

Just change the file ext from .tcz  to .sce keeping the same filename:
netfilter- , usb-serial- , pppd.sce

Write above three filenames with .sce ext into \hda1\tce\sceboot.lst file:

4] Now Reboot , but choose dCore5 entry in your grub prompt. You will see dCore's command prompt:

Using vi, Edit the files /etc/resolv.conf , /etc/ppp/options , /etc/ppp/pppscript and all other steps like sudo modprobe usbserial vendor= product= etc just the way you do in TCL3.5 or TCL5. OR using sudo copy these files from your TCL35 to respective dCore's dire. OR use your Network StartUp script.
In a terminal, Go online :

4] Now since you are online, for a working Desktop with the wbar setup, issue the follow. command:

importsce xorg-vesa

[ After a pause you will be connected to debian-wheezy-main repository and the relevent messages will start poping-up on the screen, [y/N] etc. say y to all the questions. Note, since SCEs are self-contained-extension, file-sizes are big, so do'nt be impatient]

Now do the same for other required files :

importsce Xprogs

importsce flwm_topside

importsce wbar

That's all. Dis-connect from net. If you want to backup, though not needed, issue the command:


Before rebooting, using vi edit the file sceboot.lst:

vi /mnt/sda2/tce/sceboot.lst

[press insert button, make relevent changes and save the file, press Escape button, Type :  then Type wq Press Enter/Retrun ] 
Your sceboot.lst should look like this:


[ Note: If you have said "y" to all Qs while importsce-ing , then you may already have above last 4 entries in sceboot.lst. So pl check. There may not be the .sce file-ext, it is OK, If you are short of RAM and do not see dCore Desktop with wbar, remove the first 3 entries netfilterxxx.sce etc

5] Now reboot:


6] Select dCore5 from grub Menu:
If everything goes well you will see dCore Desktop after a while. Sometimes wbar is not visible on 1st boot, if so, Right click on Desktop, select wbarConfig, and just press OK in wbarCinfig Dialog, you will see Wbar on the bootomside.
Pl read Readme.1st, and other Readme files in the dCore download dire,

7] In the same way, I have used my stock .tcz files from TCL35 like gcc424.tcz etc and using suuceesfully in dCore.
Hope this helps someone...


Offline Jason W

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Re: dCore5 Setup HowTo
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2014, 12:01:54 AM »
Thanks Pats, documentation on dCore is always appreciated!

Offline Pats

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Re: dCore5 Setup HowTo
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2014, 03:47:51 AM »
Hi Jason,
I know you have already done a good job on providing detailed Setup in other posts.
I posted this HowTo for some of my young online friends, who are new to Linux and TCL concepts, so pl bear with me. :]
Also , pl read /hda2/tce/sce path in place of \hda1\tce etc in some places in my post. Sorry for the typo.