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Replacing Android with TC?


Hi all

This may be a daft question or possibly been asked before, but are there any plans to create a TinyCore which could be used to replace Android
on some smartphones/tablets?

My thinking being that they would make great portable Raspberry Pi like computers but with a built in screen and it's own power source.
For port I/O, a USB to serial converter (+ driver) would do the job.


tinycore team have made some versions of tinycore for the ARM cpu archictecture...

but only for certain types of ARM styled chips.....the "A10" chip by allwinner....and a chip by Freescale

so tinycore could work on any device containing those chips....say a tablet PC or such like...

the tablet may otherwise have been running Android

there is also a verson of tinycore for the ARM based computer called the rasberry pi

if that is what you are asking



--- Quote from: Paulo. on March 09, 2014, 06:05:08 AM ---My thinking being that they would make great portable Raspberry Pi like computers but with a built in screen and it's own power source.
For port I/O, a USB to serial converter (+ driver) would do the job.

--- End quote ---

There are examples of such project like:

Hi all


Yes that is pretty much what I was asking, is their a version of TC for one or more popular tablets and/or phones currently running Android.


Although not what I had in mind, nice links and certainly food for thought using a Pi for portable use.


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