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Author Topic: Absolute Linux Beginner here  (Read 2164 times)

Offline DiscoCokkroach

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Absolute Linux Beginner here
« on: March 03, 2014, 03:25:15 AM »

I can't seem to detect where a thread like this should go, so I hope it's welcome here.

I've become fascinated with Linux as of late, testing out several distros on Live CDs and whatnot, and TinyCore is even more fascinating still. I love the design philosophy behind it, and I'd like to start using it alongside Windows Vista on an old laptop that my brother recently gave me.

I'm actually using TinyCore right now; downloading apps is a breeze in most cases, and I've been able to use it here and there for some light computing.  However, my rudimentary understanding of TinyCore (and Linux in general) is starting to wear on me, and I end up reverting back to Vista most times.  I don't want this to be the case; I want to become a regular user of Linux on at least one distro.

I don't want to ask a bunch of questions right off the bat, so I'd rather just perhaps get some opinions of what some regular users of TinyCore would think of someone who has never used Linux before and wants to use TinyCore.  I fully understand that this is "not a 'turnkey' operating system" (that's kind of obvious the first time you boot it up LOL), and that's one of the things that I really like about it.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2014, 03:28:35 AM by DiscoCokkroach »

Offline Zendrael

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Re: Absolute Linux Beginner here
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2014, 06:48:19 AM »

You can find a lot of information on the book: http://tinycorelinux.net/book.html

After some reading, we will be very happy to help you with your questions!

The book is the best way to the new user to get familiar with the distro unsderstanding how it works and how to use it for its own benefits.