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Author Topic: USB Audio Problem (piCore 5.2 final. 24 bit)  (Read 12082 times)

Offline CodenameMAT

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Re: USB Audio Problem (piCore 5.2 final. 24 bit)
« Reply #30 on: March 06, 2014, 08:08:03 AM »
Bela thanks but I've tried similar steps. Raspify was the successor to Volumio. So those fixes have already been implemented in Volumio. If you read the guide you'll see that previously he was limiting the mpd output to 16bit to get around the problems with async USB dacs. All those problems do indeed sound familiar to the problems I'm having, the difference being that I only have a problem with picore. As I said, Volumio and arch have no problems.

Offline CodenameMAT

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Re: USB Audio Problem (piCore 5.2 final. 24 bit)
« Reply #31 on: March 06, 2014, 08:09:59 AM »
Steen thanks! I'll give that a go. Unfortunately I have no access to my pi until tomorrow but I'll let you know.