Tiny Core Base > CorePlus

Java on TinyCore Plus

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--- Quote ---I found neigher sun-jre nor sun-jdk.
--- End quote ---

Open the App Browser. Change Search to Tags. Type into the text field: java. Now you should be shown now all relevant Apps.

--- Quote ---    $ sudo java-installer

sudo java-installer
cleaning... sunccessfull !
unpacking... successfull !
creating... failed !
see /tmp/java-installer.log for details.
/tmp/java-installer.log is empty
--- End quote ---

This output is really not very informative. It could be a version problem. I had a look to the or acle webpage and read, the actual version is 7 Update51.

Now try:

--- Code: ---$ sudo UPD=51 java-installer
--- End code ---


--- Quote ---You also don't mention which version of tinycore you are running.
--- End quote ---
I use tinycore 5.2.
You are right. only sun-jre exists in repositories.

Some time ago I installed Oracle jdk7 and jre7 using java-installer under TC 5.x (I forget the exact version).

Look at the Info for java-installer in the Apps browser.

Double-check that you downloaded the correct Oracle Java version and file type (I blew this a couple times), should be:


and should be in /home/tc directory.

Then at /home/tc terminal prompt type:

sudo UPD=51 java-installer

download jdk-7u51-nb-7_4-linux-i586.sh then simply run in command line "sh jdk-7u51-nb-7_4-linux-i586.sh" it will start java installation

Malik Awan


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