Tiny Core Base > CorePlus

automount NTFS (ntfs-3g)


Hi all,
I need to automount USB drives in "Tiny Core". I've used this https://code.google.com/p/yad/wiki/USBFlash and this http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-918896-start-0.html. However, I am unable to connect NTFS for writing. When I use ntfs-3g, the command will not be executed. Where can I find a log to see what is going on?

When manually assembling everything works.
Tiny Core 5.2

This isn't Gentoo.
Core does not automount anything.
You will need to install ntfs-3g.tcz and possibly ntfsprogs.tcz.
Then mount your ntfs partitions in /opt/bootlocal.sh.

I tried to use
mount -t ntfs-3g '/ dev/sdc1' '/ mnt/sdc1'  , it does not work.
If you use
ntfs-3g '/ dev/sdc1' '/ mnt/sdc1' , so it works.

Yes. Read the .info files ( the info tab in Apps ).


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