Tiny Core Base > CorePlus

Is my repositories right?

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Yes - and once the extensions from the 4.x repo are confirmed working they can be copied to the 5.x repo.


* libpng was updated from tc-4.x to tc-5.x, most 4.x extensions that do not depend on libpng will work without problems in 5.x

* libpng, libjpeg and imlib2 were taken out of the base and several extensions (graphics-libs-1, Xprogs, Xlibs, Xorg) were refactored from tc-4.x to tc-5.x. This means the dep files of extensions from the 4.x repo might need adjusting to work in tc-5.x

I don't have my usb modem here right now, next weekend i will try and i will report the results here.


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