Tiny Core Base > TCB Tips & Tricks

delete subdir of tcloop TinyCore 4.7

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After few trial of mksquashfs, I think I understood what tiny core was doing.  As long as I removed the tcz filename of onboot.lst and reboot, that the original filepath of the tcz would be disappeared from the tcloop.  As tcloop wiki said, it is a subdir for all tcz listed in onboot.lst to mount at boot, therefore I could not remove it (it is running).    I am from other linux platform, /tmp is a temp place, why tiny core mount tcz there? can I specify my tcz mount other dir? instead the tcloop.
sorry tcpool was a typo.
Thank again for advices.

It needs to mount applications into a non-persistent directory..
/tmp is in the RAM fs and the applications are mounted there temporarily ( for this boot session ).
Other directories such as /opt and /home are not guaranteed to be non persistent, and therefore not suitable for application mount points.
No, you cannot change it.  Why would you need to?


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