You can quite easily poach binaries from the older Debian repositories, like this one from more recent repositories (like "lenny") will complain about outdated system libraries.
Dependency resolution is (of course) manual, but you will find most missing libraries on Debian too
Stuff I got running on my TC 1.4 this way include
- MAME (arcade game emulator) and gxmame (a frontend for it). Mame runs excellent. Frontend has some small bugs but it's usable.
- galculator (a x X calculator applet). This one is very easy to get running
- Xarchiver (a graphical zip/unzip gz/ungz etc tool). I also installed the .deb for the RAR file format from Debian (unrar.tce is not recognized by Xarchiver)
- supertux (since a couple of days a supertux TCE for TC 2.0 is available - but the Debian version runs on TC1.4 too - works absolutely flawless)
- numlockx: an utility to switch the numlock LED on when you start X
- the Tuxkart game worked but had an appalling framerate so I uninstalled it. If you have working 3D acceleration you could try this one
- gnuboy (Nintendo Gameboy emulator) works but the sound is very distorted