Tiny Core Base > CorePlus
Loading Firmware
I left it for a while and came back, tried the official re-posted CorePlus Iso and it all works (correct modules load),
Wlan and Eth still cant be detected, i sourced the firmware-rtl_nic.tcz and firmware-ralinkwifi.tcz files but tce-load -i etc doesn't work, even tough the files are in the /optional folder?????
I edited them into the onboot.lst and on the bootscreen said it couldn't find the files? (Is there way i can install these files when installing to a USB? :-\ )
There must be a foolproof way of doing what i'm trying to do.
Location for extensions is /tce/optional
Use tce-load -iw instead of manual hacking of system.
"Doesn't work" is not helpful. To troubleshoot, we need exact commands, and exact messages.
"/optional" is not the correct location for extensions.
Show us the output of 'ls -l /etc/sysconfig/tcedir".
--- Quote from: potticous on December 13, 2013, 03:58:05 AM ---heres the output
--- Code: ---ls -l /etc/sysconfig/tcedir
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 8 Dec 13 08:41 /etc/sysconfig/tcedir -> /tmp/tce/
tc@box:~$ lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 8 Dec 13 08:41 /etc/sysconfi
g/tcedir -> /tmp/tce/
sh: can't create /tmp/tce/: Is a directory
sh: lrwxrwxrwx: not found
--- End code ---
second part appeared after i copy and pasted the first part
--- End quote ---
The "second part" is not a command.
In post #3 , you try to load extensions from /usr/cde/optional/ .
That's not how to do it.
You should be able to load extensions just like this:
--- Code: ---tce-load -i firmware.tcz
--- End code ---
TinyCore will determine wether to load it from cde directory (only if booted from CD) or tce directory (if installed on writable media).
/etc/sysconfig/tcedir is a symlink to the respective directory.
What version are you using?
Have you installed TC to writable media (maybe to non linux filesystem)?
hmm, you have just deleted two posts..
Problem solved! Im using a USB , i set the directory in Apps, and put the files in the tce/optional folder it created instead of the the cde/optional folder. Then ran:
tce-load -i "extention name here".tcz
5.1 FAT32
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