Firstly, microcore on the A10 is >very< impressed. many thanks to the entire team/community.
OK, maybe a TC-newb question... help required, and hopefully it helps someone else.
I've installed TC CLI to an A10-marsboard via the handy script. Note: I have just extended the single partition created in the script, to get things 'going', so am unsure if this problem relates to that move.
When it comes to importsce all of my builds/installs seem to contain messages such as:
importsce dropbear
Merging dropbear:
tar: can't create symlink from etc/init.d/dropbear to /usr/local/etc/init.d/dropbear; Operation not permitted
tar: can't create symlink from usr/bin/dbclient to ../sbin/dropbearmulti: Operation not permitted
... and so on.
For the most part these symlink messages that occur on all importsce calls have not affected my successful use of importsce to mount nano, alsa-utils, build-essential etc
However, since dropbear uses symlinks to call generate RSA keys etc, by calling the dropbearmulti i'm a little stuck when it comes time to run dropbear.
/usr/local/etc/init.d/dropbear start
Generating Dropbear rsa key...
/usr/local/etc/init.d/dropbear: line62: dropbearkey: not found
... and so on
So i cannot use dropbear.
Any ideas?
1) What is causing the symlink messages on all importsce, are any other users experiencing this?
2) Curiously, why does init.d/dropbear run from the /usr/local/etc/init.d/dropbear and not the usual /etc/init.d/dropbear
Many thanks in advance