Tiny Core Base > CorePlus

(wireless-3.8.13-tinycore.tcz) Isn't on 5.1 ISO

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Why is this?

After a few ideas i downloaded the files needed from http://distro.ibiblio.org/tinycorelinux/5.x/x86/tcz/ .

Then created a freakish Live USB using "Lili Usb Creator" on windows (unticking hide created files on key) and pasting the files into the correct folder on the Live USB.

It booted, VOILA! The Wifi icon appeared which it fails to do the on CorePlus live CD. Clicking its gives window with green text and an error that i can't remember.

After doing a TC_Install to a seperate USB the installation completes and it boots, but with no GUI :-\  Why? How do i boot the GUI?

From the wiki above follow the instructions in either

Setting Up > Install Tinycore on a USB Drive   or

Setting Up > USB installation on WINDOWS - The easy way

It's important to add WAITUSB=5 to the boot options on a USB thumb drive

Apparently CorePlus-5.1.iso wrongly includes modules of version 3.8.10  :o

Edit: checked x86 version only

is this a general mistake?

The change in kernel version and therefore modules is the cause of this issue.
A new CorePlus cannot be made until such time as all included extensions are also updated to reflect the new kernel/modules. At present time ndiswrapper-modules-3.8.13-tinycore.tcz is missing.

Once ndiswrapper-modules-3.8.13-tinycore.tcz is available then an updated/corrected CorePlus will be made available.


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