I have TC 5.02 and Xorg 7.7. I need to get an old serial touchscreen to work with it. This touchscreen works with ubuntu and the eGalax driver. To work with ubuntu, it needs entries into xorg.conf. I'm currently running Xorg confless with the new geode video driver. I have a few issues:
please forgive me if i ask seemingly stupid questions, still very much a noob
1. Creating xorg.conf to give a version suitable for my hardware gives an error. Xorg -configure creates a /root/xorg.conf.new file which gives a "number of screens does not match number of detected devices" error.
2. I manually create an /etc/X11 directory with the following xorg.conf (as per egalax instructions)
Section “ServerLayout”
Identifier "X.org Configured"
InputDevice “EETI” “SendCoreEvents”
Section “InputDevice”
Identifier “EETI1”
Driver “egalax”
Option “Device” "/dev/ttyS0"
Option “Parameters” “/var/lib/eeti1.param”
Option “ScreenNo” "0"
Starting X then gives an error in the log file "failed to load /usr/local/lib/xorg/modules/input/egalax_drv.so: undefined symbol: xf86GetMotionEvents"
So does this mean that the egalax driver is calling the xf86GetMotionEvents function which no longer exists in xorg 7.7?
3. Is there an older driver available that does support serial touchscreens?