Tiny Core Base > piCore Test Releases

piCore 5.1rc3

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Thanks a lot for this great ARM port!! It works flawlessly. Next weekend I will maybe compile some extensions: fluxbox, wmctrl, volumeicon. xpdf, roxfiler, midori, (and maybe mplayer but I'm not sure if I will be able to achieve that with hardware acceleration) and commit them.


--- Quote from: Alligadi on December 08, 2013, 12:31:12 PM ---Thanks a lot for this great ARM port!! It works flawlessly. Next weekend I will maybe compile some extensions: fluxbox, wmctrl, volumeicon. xpdf, roxfiler, midori, (and maybe mplayer but I'm not sure if I will be able to achieve that with hardware acceleration) and commit them.

--- End quote ---

Thanks! Contributions to repo are welcome. If you have something send it to picoresubmit@gmail.com

According to feedback and my own experience using rc3 intensively it is ready for final release. I'm preparing 5.1 release now.

Nice work Bmarkus!  8)

Hi bmarkus

To follow up on the wifi issue - I just received a new wifi dongle "Edimax EW-7811UN 150Mbps Wireless Nano USB Adapter" it is working perfectly with piCore 5.1rc3

Using the 8192cu module just as my now retired comfast wifi dongle



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