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[SOLVED}How to kill Xorg with Ctrl Alt Backspace in 5.x?

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  Put DontZap in ServerFlags used to work with Xorg 7.4 in 2.x. Now when I am working with 5.x, the same configuration does not work. I see (**) Option "DontZap" "false" in Xorg.0.log, but actually there is nothing happening.

Xorg-7.6 was patched for <ctrl-alt-backspace>, but I was unable to make the patch work for Xorg-7.7.

If you search these forums there was an explanation of a line to add to .xsession to enable this in Xorg-7.7


--- Quote from: Juanito on November 28, 2013, 04:51:04 AM ---Xorg-7.6 was patched for <ctrl-alt-backspace>, but I was unable to make the patch work for Xorg-7.7.

If you search these forums there was an explanation of a line to add to .xsession to enable this in Xorg-7.7

--- End quote ---

I read the patch. It is pretty much what I did manually for the configuration files. And I failed to make it work....

I searched the forum with 'xsession zap 7.7' keywords, even using Google, but I did not find the explanation. Any more clues?

Hi magicloud
Maybe this is of some use:

I get it.
setxkbmap -option terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp


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