Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Bugs


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I don't think there are any development files for fluid (unless it has plugin support?).

Not dev files, but fluid itself :)
As it's used for fltk development.

FYI, gnu tar is in the curaga's advcomp extension.

It might be a better idea to make a separate extension for fluid. It's a tool that's targeted to developers and is not required for just compiling.  In any case, this extension always seems like it's getting bigger :P

As Juanito is asking, hre's the list of tools for developing/compiling extension:

* sstrip - strip an extra more kilobytes from your binaries. useful if you inted to make tiny extensions/programs
* tcc - another compiler can be very useful while developing. Tcc is small, ultra fast. Its ability to run C files as if they were scripts is super useful.
* fltk-config
* fldev - an fltk IDE well suite for the development of small C/C++ projects. I had fldev working on DSL and I liked it a lot. (I wanted to post an extension back then but my old PC died during last summer)
* fluid - I think there was even a small change in fldev archive that made it possible to optionally integrate it with fldev

I think the ^thehatsrule^ has a good point when he notes that compiling and developing your own stuff are different activities. If fluid/fldev is too IDE-ish or developer centric compared to the compile tools, then I can make a separate IDE extension for those. Let me know what you think!

I agree with the hats.

While it might be convenient to have a package that provides everything for everyone, i don't think it's the best idea.  Including commonly used headers should be sufficient, and anything more should be made available as separate extensions to be used as needed.


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