dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > dCore X86
importsce "add-on".sces based on "base".sces
hi jason w,
i can confirm that the last cut works fine for me.
thank you for your help.
Jason W:
I honed searchdeb to include a more exhaustive list of packages. But I would rather importsce to give the more streamlined results as it currently does. Searchdeb to find all possible matches, then use the results as a guide on what characters to enter into importsce.
Also, a searchprebuilt tool is available. Uploaded new cut to release candidates. If no more major bugs, I will soon commit to git.
hi jason w,
a really good job :)
these new options improved dCore so much!
new opportunities are waiting for us :)
searchdeb and searchprebuilt: are these tools for the user or are they just working inside of importsce?
thank you for your work.
Jason W:
Both search tools are basically importsce with everything removed except from what is needed to search debs or prebuilt. They are made for easy and exhaustive searching for the user. I thought it would keep it simpler to separate the search only functions and not add any more complexity to importsce.
Hopefully things will just work at this point, lets give it a week of use and if no issues arise I will add to git and this should make for another release.
Location of the current testing dCore.gz:
EDIT: Reposted with some bugfixes 2.28.14 7:30pm.
Jason W:
Ok, another cut after going over with a fine tooth comb.
Also, a new tool "checkmissingdebs" that is available as an extension for in the case you use, say, mydesktop as a dependency but then later re-import it with fewer packages than originally and then apps that depend on it are broken. This tool will point out what is missing that is needed by dependent apps, though a simple re-import of a broken sce in this case will fix it by bringing in any needed deps not provided by the dependency sce's.
"importsce checkmissingdeps" to import the tool.
"checkmissingdebs firefox" to tell which Debian packages are needed by firefox but are not loaded in the system and will tell you which dependency SCE's they were originally provided by.
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