dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > dCore X86

importsce "add-on".sces based on "base".sces

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Jason W:
Ok, I have a rough working model in place.  Here are the basics.  Use the "importsce -d" option to  make use of an existing sce as a dependency.  More than one can be chosen, a select menu will appear when the importsce -d option is used.  Lets say your import and install xorg-all.  Then you want to install libgtk2.0-0 and use xorg-all as a dep, use the command "importsce -d libgtk2.0-0".  Choose xorg-all as a dependency sce when prompted.  The rest of the routine is as usual.

Pay attention to the /usr/local/sce/$PKGNAME directory.  Some new files are created that can be used by a tool to check for broken dependencies in the case of issues.  For now there is no tool.  But if you use a mydesktop.sce as a dependency for firefox, then you later rebuild mydesktop without ligtk2.0-0.  Firefox will no longer work since it was counting on gtk2 from mydesktop.sce.  Any sce that you feel may be broken, just re-import it and use your previous dependency sce.  In this case, a re-import of firefox will include ligtk2.0-0 in firefox.sce that previously only had the firefox package inside as it's deps were met before but now they are not..

loadsce makes use of dep files now.  Lets say that you import libgtk2.0-0 and use xorg-all as a dep.  Later, you import leafpad and only specify libgtk2.0-0 as a dep  If ligtk2.0-0 is the only entry in leafpad.sce.dep, then xorg-all.sce will also be loaded since it is in the dep file of libgtk2.0-0.  But you can also specify multiple dependency sce's, in the case having both xorg-all and libgtk2.0-0 in leafpad.sce.dep would have the same effect.

I have uploaded a testing dCore.gz to


I have tried it out on some packages, and I think things are polished enough for wider testing.

Jason W:
loadsce needs some more work, I will aim to tend to it tonight but the basic concept is in place.

We can test this out and see how we like it.

hi jason w,

i tried your new rc and did
import -d galculator
Choose the sce you want use as a dependency. You can choose more than one, and enter q for quit when you have completed your selection.

         1. libreoffice4.1
         2. mydesktop
         3. original-modules-3.8.13-tinycore

Enter selection ( 1 - 3 ) or (q)uit: q
cat: can't open '/tmp/tcloop/mydesktop/usr/local/sce/mydesktop/mydesktop.md5sum': No such file or directory
cat: can't open '/tmp/tcloop/original-modules-3.8.13-tinycore/usr/local/sce/original-modules-3.8.13-tinycore/original-modules-3.8.13-tinycore.md5sum': No such file or directory
Proceed to create galculator.sce? (y/N):
===> a dependency-file is created, but the galculator.sce has the same size as without the -d-option.

then i did another

tc@box:~$ importsce -s -f .TCE/sce/mydesktop
after the preparation of the merging i get multiple error messages like:
grep: /tmp/.scedebs: No such file or directory
===> and a corrupted small mydesktop.sce is merged with missing files...

thank you for your help and work for the community :)

Jason W:
Mydesktop.sce will have to be imported with the new routine, as the md5sum file you mentioned as missing is only created in that manner by the new routine.  galculator is the same size because that md5 file is used to determine what packages are contained in mydesktop.sce.  If using old sce's, import is assuming nothing is installed in the old sce and therefore of no use as a dependency, galculator.sce will then be full size as before.

I will look into the issue in re-creating mydesktop file list sce's.

Jason W:
There is a simple but grievous error in debGetDeps.  I am testing that fix along with the finishing touches to loadsce and plan to post another cut  tonight.


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