Tiny Core Base > CorePlus

Removing UDHCPC and replacing it with inetutils

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I am having this issue with udhcpc and issue is udhcpc can't get an ip address because of the type of DHCP server i have. I want to replace it with inetutils/dhcpd utils. i was able to download/install the extension from ibiblio repo but now the issue is how do i set it load automatically and assign ip ADDRESS. My dev environment is:

Read the persistence articles in the wiki.
Dhcpd is dhcp server, not a dhcp client.
You may be referring to dhcpcd, but that is available for 4.7.7 but not tested with 5.02.  It has a corresponding -doc tcz.


Sorry you are correct. i Have seen them and really my question is if this is even possible. i can't seem to find document for networking for so i can remove udhcpc and replace it with dhcpcd instead.

Spend some time in the wiki.
Most of your questions should be answered there.
If you have a specific question we can try to help, but we don't teach basic Linux networking here.
Core is a toolkit for building custom systems, but you need to know how to use the tools.

Which dhcp server is that exactly?
If any specific dhcp client would not collaborate with any specific dhcp server then it is likely that there is either a bug or a misconfiguration somewhere.


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