Tiny Core Base > CorePlus

How to install CorePlus without deleting my Windows XP

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I want to have 2 partitions, one for my XP and another one for TC (of course I already got the one with Win XP).

What's the next step? What I have to do now?

Do you have your second partition already? If you need to create the 2nd partition you may use gparted. But watch out that you do not destroy data. Once you have that 2nd partition just follow the wiki and/or the  website from yinyeti.

Hi Filisko
But first boot into XP and defrag the drive a couple of times.

Resizing XP goes like this:
1- Like Rich said: defrag a couple of times (not mandatory, but this lowers a lot the risk of losing all your data).
2- Boot a LiveCD or LiveUSB (eg: TinyCore), start gparted, and resize the NTFS partition without changing its starting point; just change its ending location: less risk again. Apply.
3- If you're paranoid with your data, restart the PC, let XP check the partitions (it's normal procedure, don't worry), then restart the LiveCD/USB and gparted again.
4- In the newly empty space, create a partition for TinyCore. Apply.
5- Restart the PC, and let XP check the partitions (Windows always does this when a "foreign" tool has tampered with the disk).
6- Follow TinyCore's WIKI for installation.

I haven't tried anything like this in a while but every time I did, there would always be some some un-movable file up near the end of the NTFS partition that would prevent the partition from being safely shrunk.  I suppose it was probably the pagefile or some such BS but I never had a tool that would tell me exactly what file was causing the problem - just a big block of data that the defragger refused to move.

What defrag tool/procedure will work around this sort of thing?  Would it be safe (from the Windows point of view) to move such files around while running linux?

This is largely a moot point for me since I've sworn off using Windows at home and I'm not supposed to use linux at work, but I know it will crop up again soon because my kids need a Windows box for some school work.


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