Tiny Core Base > piCore Test Releases
piCore 5.0alpha4
Hi bmarkus and Gerrelt
Sorry for my absence. I have been trying many different things the last couple of days, but I still have these strange wifi problems with version 5, whereas version 4.7.7 continue to be working fine with both my wifi adaptors.
On the other hand seems that Gerrelt is doing fine wit the wifi script in version 5, whereas he has trouble in version 4.7.7. (as far as I understand).
I have been tempted to give up on version 5 and continue updating version 4.7.7 with linux kernel 3.11.2. However, I seem to be having all kind of problems with this path.
I can build the kernel image, but somehow I can't get the module-gz to work. I don't know what the problem is, as I'm still able to build working versions based on the 3.9.y kernel.
On the other hand I would prefer to update my piCorePlayer so it is build on bmarkus piCore version 5, but there I have the wifi problem.
So right now i'm stuck, just hoping that somebody (probably bmarkus) can solve the wifi issue.
It seems like the wifi problem is caused by a combination of picore version5 and my router a D-link 855.
I just tried to make a mobile Ap point using my android phone, and here the picore version 5 was able to connect fine.
PiCore version 4.7.7 can connect fine to both my D-link router and the mobile Ap point.
Can it be a timing issue?
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