dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > dCore x86 Imported Extensions
More busybox replacements (dCore 5.0rc3)
--- Quote from: cpoakes on September 22, 2013, 01:01:25 PM ---First, only common usage prioritizes /usr/bin over /bin in PATH; it is not a requirement.
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If prioritizing of PATH is disregarded as requirement, then in consequence only the usage of full path can ensure invoking a specific version of an executable.
--- Quote ---Second, I would argue dCore should track Debian as close as possible to prevent inadvertent breakage. The redundant /bin versions should be removed, however unlikely they are to cause a problem.
--- End quote ---
Removing essential commands from base could potentially result in system malfunction.
Hi TP,
You misunderstand. I am not saying the order in the path is irrelevant. I am saying my path can quite legitimately be PATH=/bin:/usr/bin. And even though common usage generally reverses that order to prioritize /usr/bin over /bin, that common usage is not required.
Nothing us being removed; it is being replaced and in a different location. SysAdmins have decades of experience dealing with standard Unix commands found in differing locations (the /bin, /usr/bin, /usr/local/bin crapshoot). A script with a command hardwired to a specific directory, like /bin/adduser, is not portable and at risk for breakage; I consider it an error.
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