Tiny Core Base > piCore Test Releases
piCore 5.0.alpha3
Thanks for the feedback. Regarding WiFi, are you using WPA?
--- Quote from: bmarkus on October 01, 2013, 01:39:54 PM ---Thanks for the feedback. Regarding WiFi, are you using WPA?
--- End quote ---
Yep. See: reply #41.
hi bmarkus
Just tried with my other wifi adaptor a Comfast WU710N: chipset RTL8188CUS.
This one has been working in all your piCore versions up until version 5. I usually only need to install wifi.tcz via tce package manager.
However in version 5 (after installing wifi.tzc (and not the ralink firmware)):
When writing:
--- Code: ---iwconfig
--- End code ---
I get this error:
--- Code: ---iwconfig: error while loading shared libraries: libiw.so29: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
--- End code ---
I don't know if this is related with the ralink wifi problem?
Install libiw.tcz
Thanks - Did you fix something already?
I just started from scratch once again with piCore 5, installed wifi.tcz (and now I noticed that it also downloaded libiw - I don't remember if it did so before)?
But anyhow, now my Comfast adaptor is working (sort of) it can scan and detect my router but I get exactly the same result as with the ralink adaptor:
--- Code: --- ESSID Enc Qual Channel Type
1. Steens 2.4GHz on 77 7 WPA
2. Djurs5 on 65 3 WPA
Enter selection ( 1 - 2 ) or (q)uit: 1
Enter password for Steens 2.4GHz (8 to 63 characters): ********
Sending credentials to requested access point Steens 2.4GHz...................
udhcpc (v1.21.1) started
Sending discover...
Sending discover...
Sending discover...
No lease, failing
Failed to connect.
--- End code ---
So it has the same problem. Somehow Gerrelt seems to be able to work around the problem with his manual set-up script.
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