Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Bugs
Xorg-7.4-dev and expat2-devs
Jason W:
The .la files of the pango modules are corrupt, they point to needing /usr/lib/libexpat.la. I will fix them this afternoon.
Jason W:
It is fixed. Redownload pango.tcel/tczl and try again.
The other deps seem to be correctly pointed to. Maybe expat was in /usr/lib when it was compiled?
Edit: nope...there's others, like /usr/local/lib/libXau.la; there's no /usr/lib/libX11.la;
Jason W:
The gtk2 stack was built on TC 1.x with it's Xorg and -dev extension, which had .la files in different places than TC 2.x's extensions have them. I will update the extensions on TC 2.x and that should fix it.
Jason W:
I see a /usr/lib/libX11.la in TC 2.x with the Xorg -devs loaded. Nevertheless, the pango-devs extension has also been corrected of a /usr/lib/expat.la typo.
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