General TC > Tiny Core Netbooks

Compaq mini110c installing apps and wifi problems


hello all,

After the install of corePlus I noticed that I can download apps like "firefox" but it will not install via the 'apps' program.

Also when i click on the 'wifi' app and it doesn't pull up any of my 'wifi' routers. the 'wifi' app just opens and closes.

Is there something I am doing wrong?

You are missing the driver for your wi-fi (possibly).

Which version of Core are you using? And which is the model of your wireless card?

You can find some models not shipped with CorePlus here:

 I am running the latest build of the Tiny Core, also when I ran ubuntu on the netbook I always could get away with the (firmware-b43-installer) to resolve my wifi issues. You think I can do a simple apt-get and install that driver and that fixes everything?

Hi hlevy99!

The Core has no "apt-get" to handle packages. Instead of it, you will use the Apps application or the commandline tce-load (and others tce-* tools). Read the Wiki for more instructions of how Core works and to use the tools.

Do you have ethernet cable on your netbook? You can connect it thru ethernet then start apps and search for the firmware of your wireless interface. Firmware-b43 that you mentioned refers to a broadcom card I think... Have you found your wireless card in the wiki?


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