there are several possibilities and several ideas, but not sure exactly what would work.
as far as color schemes, one idea that might work (if anyone agrees) is : black, white, grey - with color only serving focal points.
if anyone is familiar with the movie, or comic book "Sin City" - thats kinda what i mean. the majority of everything was in black and white, until there was a focal point, a rose, an eye, the yellow bastard, then only THAT item would have color.
as far as icons, how does this work? does the tiny core team make each icon for each tcz or do those come automatically with applications from all distros? i'm still learning to understand how linux works. i am still under the impression that some of the apps i am using for tinycore are apps from other distros, while some apps are propietary to tiny core.
personally i would suggest something similar to the style of font-awesome icons : something of the pixel art genre : got alot of help on the forum to get my efforts started in the right direction. the best i can currently do is try to return one good effort with another good effort. so here's me messing around in photoshop with tiny core logos. keep in mind that i do have all the fancy schmancy filters, layer styles, and plugins, but i am not applying them to this set. i can try that route if nobody likes any of these i submit today.
as for artwork i pretty much just use fractals these days. although a zipatone or dotted line grid may fit the brand a bit better.
i dont know. here's my toolbox of background textures :, well, here's one image of the words tiny core all fixed up :

and here's some with just simple fonts from my collection. its possible to fix up the fonts into something fancy, but im not sure what style we are looking to agree with, so i'm only providing fonts as a base.

again, this is not a graphic presentation. if we are looking for a graphic representation, then i can try something in that direction instead.