Tiny Core Extensions > TCE Talk

Extensions from 4.x repo verified ok with tc-5

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libmcrypt copied to tc-5.x and 6.x repos - thanks for reporting this.

Note that this extension does not follow the tinycore extension guidelines in that it contains both the usual files and dev files in the same extension making it unneccessarily large for most users...

lighttpd has an undocumented dependency of libattr - it would be a good idea to add this missing dep :)

Also sox from 4.x is working on 5.x :)

Thanks for reporting, but:

I don't see the libattr dep in lighttpd (but I do see dev files, man pages and unstripped files in lib and sbin)?

sox has a dep on libpng12, which is not in the tc-5.x repo - since both 4.x and 5.x are not current, I'm not sure it's worth adding libpng12 to the 5.x repo.

While running lighttpd without libattr installed:

--- Code: ---error: error loading shared library libattr.so.1: No such file or directory
--- End code ---

Thanks for the information about sox, I'll recompile sox from newest sources, as well as freeradius.

Hmm - strange that ldd doesn't find that...

dep file adjusted.


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