Off-Topic > SCM EXtensions
SCM extensions dropped ?!?
I was very surprised to discover from the distrowatch summary of TinyCore's latest release (5.0) that SCM extensions have been dropped.
Does this mean that now there is absolutely no support left for self-contained applications?
Does anyone care to explain this move, please?
SCM has been replaced by SCEs. SCE are self contained extensions that are generated via Debian packages. dCore provides a suite of scripts to allow import of Debian packages. Currently amv7 and x86 are supported by way of separate releases. See dCore for x86 and armv7 ports. These releases do not use tczs but instead import Debian packages.
Sorry, I have been off this forum for several months, so I have not clue what is current TC status for extension policy. I think this is very important change in TC. Please, tell where I can found more information of TC development guidelines for this new dCore mechanism.
I think this is "debian compatibility" is very healthy principle, but what will be exact TC-linux library housekeeping practice in future?
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