dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > dCore x86 Imported Extensions

SCE Repository contains unused SCE files?


As a way to figure out which SCEs I might need to start using wireless/wifi, I have been perusing the repo at http://tinycorelinux.net/5.x/x86/sce.  However, some of the SCE files cannot be imported using the import command under dCore 5.0rc2.  The obvious starting point seemed wireless and wifi.  However, import will process "wireless", but not locate or download "wifi". 

Also as a thinkpad user, thinkpad-acpi-3.8.10-tinycore also caught my attention.  It cannot be downloaded with import either.  Does the repo contain "old" packages only relevant to rc1 or alpha releases?  Or should these be accessible with import for rc2?

Jason W:
i will port the remaining sce's that are in the sce directory so they are available for import. 

Jason W:
Actually, thinkpad-acpi-3.8.10-tinycore can be downloaded with import.  Do "import tinycore" and it comes up at number 25 on the menu to select from.

Wifi package now available also.

Thanks for the corrections to the db and the instructions on the thinkpad SCE.  It is counterintuitive that "import thinkpad-acpi" does not work while "import tinycore" does.  Is there a reason the kernel packages (*-tinycore.sce) do not allow wild card searches (such as "import wifi" which matches firmware-iwlwifi,wifi, and wifi-radar)?

Jason W:
The search results were narrowed at one point to not include unrelated packages, I am testing a change to give the same behavior with the custom packages that the regular ones do.


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