Team Tiny Core is happy to announce the first alpha release of piCore-16.0. Both 32 and 64bit images are ready for download/testing.
Changelog for 16.0 alpha1:
* rpi-kernel 6.12.15
* glibc updated to 2.40
* gcc updated to 14.2.0
* binutils updated to 2.43.1
* e2fsprogs base libs/apps updated to 1.47.1
* util-linux base libs/apps updated to 2.40.2
* Micropython updated to 1.24.1
* OpenSSL updated to 3.4.1
* OpenSSH updated to 9.9p2
* Fix udev rules for proper serial console configuration.
32bit - (This should run on all rpi boards)
- sha256: 1941dd69af583da7a1405f8e4089db51db06879073654eb894e8770cf5cc6cf4 piCore-16.0.0-alpha1.img.gz
64bit - (rpi zero2W, pi3, pi4, pi5)
- sha256: 696baa1d4c178d27e0953b736c49e6203f267dadbbe681293a7ab7f76f9dc502 piCore64-16.0.0-alpha1.img.gz
Note: Image files are now just gzipped, you can just zcat the image if using dd to write your image, or some imaging tools support writing compressed images.
Note: When using 32bit images, the pi4 and pi5 will use a 64bit kernel. please make sure to look at uname if manually downloading kernel module extensions.
Known Issues:
* Openssh no longer supports DSA keys, but the key generation script still tries. To fix the warnings and backup failure messages. Update openssh.tcz and remove the dsa keys from /opt/.filetool.lst (This will be fixed in the next release)
* Old module config file for 8192 driver. Will be removed in next release.
* Since the 6.12.y kernel tree is not fully released at rpi, there will likely be a kernel update before we hit full release.
* Need to update CoreScripts in next release.