dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > dCore x86 Imported Extensions

Bug: Cannot import tcWbar dCore 5.0-rc2


I cannot import tcWbar in two scenarios.  Scenario 1, with only kernel+initrd loaded, no tce=  defined (using /tmp/tce), I can import Xprogs, flwm_topside, and xorg-all.  But...

--- Code: ---import tcWbar
tcWbar is not available as a package. Exiting...

--- End code ---
Scenario 2, with kernel+initd, tce=LABEL=misc/dcore5/tce.  With a virgin (empty) tce directory, I can import Xprogs, flwm_topside, and xorg-all.  But same error:

--- Code: ---import tcWbar
tcWbar is not available as a package. Exiting...
--- End code ---
There is no tcWbar package in in the  tce/sce directory.  The desktop predictably starts up without wbar. Furthermore, I can wget the file with no problems:

--- Code: ---wget http://tinycorelinux.net/5.x/x86/sce/tcWbar.sce

--- End code ---
Problem with repo or package list?

tcWbar is no longer needed.
wbar is a prebuilt dCore package which contains the binary as well as the Core specific support scripts.
README-X-Desktop.sh updated.

For other users: If you want the "normal" TC wbar,  in addition to importing wbar, you will need to add "icons=wbar" to your boot codes, execute wbar.sh before X starts to configure wbar (eg. in /opt/bootlocal.sh or /opt/bootsync.sh), and add a script to start wbar in your $HOME/.X.d directory (steal the one from regular TC).


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