dCore Import Debian Packages to Mountable SCE extensions > dCore X86

dCore 5.0-rc2 released

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Jason W:
The second release candidate of dCore 5.0 is released and ready for testing:

Changes for RC2:

* Putting TC custom packages in priority when there is a name conflict with Debian.
* Add /opt/debmirror to contain preferred Debian mirror.
* Provide error message upon exit when tinycorelinux.net is not available .
* Fixing initial error on no debmirror and consolidated retrevial to a single read command.
* Preserve sticky bit on /tmp
* Keeping downloaded debs as well as custom package and data tarballs when using import, fetching newer ones from the server automatically when updates to those files are available.

Files can be found at:


Thanks for the /opt/debmirror AND the persistent debs.  Repository http://debian.osuosul.org/debian tested and functional as /opt/debmirror.  Deb reuse tested and functional with repeated imports. 

Double thanks.

Great news.  I was looking for the persistent debs thing, too.

After re-importing my mydesktop-mega-sce xorg refuses to start. I'm using xorg-intel.

Booting is also much slower than rc1

Jason W:
Can you send the file list that the mega sce is made of?


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